I started with a laptop, a $5 product, $100K+ in debt, and ZERO knowledge of how to run a business.
Today, we have 20 employees across multiple companies and do millions per year, and I am debt-free.
So how does that happen?
jerred ·
I started with a laptop, a $5 product, $100K+ in debt, and ZERO knowledge of how to run a business.
Today, we have 20 employees across multiple companies and do millions per year, and I am debt-free.
So how does that happen?
jerred ·
Today, I’d like to give you 11 book recommendations and a framework for working through them.
I’ve read (well, listened to) over 300 books on business, mindset, etc.
And I reviewed every single one of them before I wrote this for you. I have no idea how on earth I narrowed it down to 11 books. So this may be my first set of book recommendations, but not my last.
jerred ·
I say try harder.
But, should you work harder or smarter?
Most people would say smarter.
But I see that playing out when people are doing dumb things, like carrying bags of mulch from the front of your house to the back, one at a time, when you could use a wheelbarrow.
In business, most people need to work harder.
Today, I want to discuss the mindset and the work ethic it takes to scale a business.
jerred ·
Interested in Facebook Advertising?
Well, then, let me ask…How much can you spend to acquire a new customer?
What is the lifetime value of your customer?
Do you know? You should.
Today, we discuss the math of scaling a business and online advertising.