the Japanese have a saying that goes like this:
"If you get on the wrong train, get off at the nearest station, the longer it takes you to get off, the more expensive the return trip will be."
in train commutes, it’s practical.
in life, it’s wise.
the question becomes…
how do you know you are on the wrong train?
you can ask that question to the same person I do:
rocking-chair you.
my hope is to make it until I’m old and gray.
sitting on a porch in a rocking chair with a lot of land and a few people.
the only jobs left for me are to be with my wife, embellish stories, and drink coffee.
i ask that guy: am I on the right path?
that version of me has the best answers.
he helps me make decisions true to myself and my family.
the best time to…
- start the business
- quit the job
- begin the project
…was yesterday.
the next best time is today.
it’ll only get harder the longer you wait.
so you may as well get started.
try harder,