Where Do Good Ideas Come From? I often find myself asking, “When’s the last time I had a good idea?” I’m talking about any area of life – business, family, personal development. Was it today? A week ago? Has it been years? There’s no point in waiting around for inspiration to strike. If you want […]
Better Human Business Podcast
84: I Got Denied a Free Vacuum at a Carwash…Here’s what I Learned about Leadership
What can a visit to a car wash teach you about leadership? Let’s dive into it! In today’s fast-paced world, leaders can’t be everywhere and do everything themselves. So how do successful leaders manage a growing business, raise a family, and achieve their own personal goals? It’s all about delegation – but there’s a right […]
83: Why You Should do 50 Push-ups Every Day (the art of small work)
I have a confession to make: I’m obsessed with the concept of “small work.” It’s a philosophy that’s driven my life and businesses for years, and it’s something I’m passionate about sharing with others.
82: How to Build a Personal Brand
If you want to know how to build a personal brand follow along as I give it an honest attempt for the firs time, ever.
81: How to Achieve Optimal Performance
In the latest episode of the Better Human Business podcast, Jerred Moon delves into the pursuit of optimal performance (OP), differentiating it from the unsustainable peaks of peak performance.